Posted by bill on 08/03/07 13:25
Toby A Inkster wrote:
> Hendri Kurniawan wrote:
>> SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(coldate, '%d/%m/%Y')
> If you've got any more than a few hundred rows, this will perform
> horribly. Much better to fix the problem at source.
> Assuming your table is called "mytable" and your column is called
> "mycol"...
> ALTER TABLE mytable ADD tempcol varchar(50);
> UPDATE mytable SET tempcol=mycol;
> ALTER TABLE mytable DROP mycol;
> ALTER TABLE mytable ADD mycol datetime;
> UPDATE mytable
> SET mycol=STR_TO_DATE(tempcol, '%d/%m/%Y')
> WHERE tempcol LIKE '%/%/%';
> ALTER TABLE mytable DROP tempcol;
Pardon my ignorance, which I am trying to ameliorate.
Q1: Why the WHERE tempcol LIKE '%/%/%' clause ?
It would seem that it would work without it.
Q2: Why 3 %'s ?
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