Reply to Re: mySQL Apache PHP conflict problem

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/04/07 00:11 wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>> wrote:
>>> I'm having a problem that I'm not sure of the source for... so I'm asking
>>> here as the Apache group doesnt seem to know anything about the error
>>> message Apache generates.
>>> The error message is "Your program accessed memory currently in use at
>>> 00003f13 from 167f:02fe"
>>> This only happens if I start mysqld.exe then apache then shell out of a
>>> web page using PHP exec() to execute another program.
>>> If mySQL isn't loaded there is no error which initially suggests mySQL is
>>> the problem however its apache that errors out but only if I shell out
>>> to PHP suggesting a confilct problem.
>>> I'm using
>>> -----------
>>> Win98
>>> Apache 2
>>> PHP 5.0
>>> mySQL 4.1.22
>>> Has anyone seen anything like this - googling produces nothing I can find
>>> that seems relevant.
>>> help appreciated
>>> thanks
>>> Tooley
>> First thing I would recommend is getting rid of Win98. It's completely
>> unsuitable for a server. Barely suitable for a client.
> Firstly I would recommend answering the question asked not one you make
> up yourself to make you appear smart even if you dont know the answer.
> If I want advice on servers thats what I'd ask for.

No, I am interested in solving your problem. Sometimes you ask the
wrong question.

>> In later versions of Windows which fully implement virtual memory, when
>> you shell out you get your own memory space - not shared with anyone
>> else (except for read-only, such as DLL's and executables). Win98
>> doesn't fully implement virtual memory, and doesn't give you your own
>> address space.
> All later versions of windows are totally unsecure under any
> circumstances and are therefore totally unacceptable in any secure
> environment. As a front end server windows-98 is the most efficient and
> secure method for our purposes.

All later versions of Windows less secure than Win98? ROFLMAO! Not
even Microsoft claims that! And you're using an OS which has not been
supported by Microsoft for over two years.

>> And as no one has seen your problem and your problem is related to
>> virtual memory on an OS which hasn't been supported for 2 or 3 years,
>> you're not going to find a lot who will be able to help you.
> Not from you I agree. Clearly you only seem interested in sounding clever
> rather than actually answering or even attempting to help people.

I am interested in helping people. You just don't like the answer.

> As it turns out there is a bug in both PHP and Apache causing a conflict.
> Or so I'm told by people who actually do know something and whose
> motivation is a little more honest. At least they managed to fix it by
> recompiling both for us.


I have no motivation. Answering questions in this newsgroup makes ZERO
money for me and takes my time.

> The fact that Apache generates an error no one in the Apache group knows
> anything about should have warned me about the level of knowledge in
> these groups.
> I'll stick with the professionals in future.
> Tooley

Go ahead. Keep using your poor excuse for an OS and thinking it's "secure".


Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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