Posted by Neredbojias on 08/05/07 09:17
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 05:44:56
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> >> Nope. I like dorayme.
>> >
>> > That is so sweet of you, my dearest Boji - little flower, sugar
>> > plum, pumpkin.
>> Well, remember that the next time you become aggravated at me. Btw,
>> does this mean that if I ever happen to visit Australia, I can get in
>> your pants?
> You would be most unhappy in your attempts, no Australian jury
> would convict me. Just stay as you are, alive, talking a lot of
> rubbish and generally enjoying yourself, rather than having
> missing parts, terrible injuries, being _perfectly still_, _not
> breathing_ for ever and ever...
> I don't want to feel like The Schofield Kid from Unforgiven as he
> sat under that tree drinking great gulps of whisky from a bottle
> shared with Clint Eastwood.
> Let us not dwell on unpleasant things my dearest Boji. Lift your
> mind higher.
Well, at least that was one of the more equitable rejections I've ever
heard in my life. I have to tell you, though, that my mind is in the
gutter. It actually likes it there, having grown used to such low-lying
crevassities from decades of base imbibing. I get dizzy when I "lift my
head", so to speak, and "soaring amongst the clouds" would certainly
deflate my proverbial sack. The good part is that I find it much easier
to maintain an equilibrium in my present position rather than at the so-
called exalted stature assumed by someone like a yuppie.
>> >> she's interesting and intelligent - and a little flaky.
>> >
>> > Please read my writings more closely. I explained to Toby about
>> > what they call shark in Melbourne and I really would prefer you
>> > did not use that word in relation to me.
>> Huh? I never called you a shark.
> Hint: "flake". That is what they call shark meat in Melbourne
I shall accede to your wishes. However, I will also continue to
capitalize words at the beginnings of sentences.
May I ask you a question? (-Uh, I'm going to, anyway.) With a mind to
this word that may no longer be spoken, how do you view yourself on such
a scale? In other words, on a scale of, say, 1 to 10 (-least to most),
what would be your eccentricity factor? I'm curious about what _you_
think, nothing more.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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