Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 08/05/07 21:10
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed lester psigal
<lesterpsigal@yahoo.de> writing in news:46b2edac$0$3830$9b4e6d93
> hi,
> more and more web sites are coming up with new features like those
> frameless ( with frameless i mean those windows totally without browser
> frame, not those generated by javascript/css ), transparent popup
> windows with (dynamic) web content, e.g. ask.com.
> sometimes they are generated by (top-text) services like intellitext
> (vibrant technologies) or kontera.
> how do those popups technology work (code-technically)?
Personally, I think these things are worse than "real" popups because you
can't move them out of the way. One of the worst offenders is
http://www.tek-tips.com. It ##$$$%%% thing drops down from the top of
the screen and places itself right where you want, or more likely
started, to read - you have to close it.
Please, if you're thinking about doing this, don't. At least use regular
popups that my browser can block. Thanks!
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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