Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/06/07 11:58
Bob Bedford wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've a problem and can't resolve it.
> I've a include.inc.php file with only line is a huge query. to make it
> simple, the query is $query = "select * from xxx where mode = ".$mode
> Now, this file is included in an other PHP form. Here is the code:
> $mode = 1;
> mysql_query($query...
> $mode = 2;
> mysql_query($query
> the first is OK, but the second isn't ok, it still uses the $mode = 1.
> Why ? how to fix it ?
> Bob
I'm not clear - are you actually including the file where you have the
mysql_query() statement in your code? If so, please post the real code
you're using - pseudo-code seldom finds problems.
Also, I wouldn't do it like this. I'd place the query in a function,
and call the function, i.e.
function doQuery($m) {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM xxx... WHERE mode=$m");
return $result;
// or fetch the data and return it - whatever you wish
Alternatively, you could define the string in the include file such as:
$query = "SELECT * FROM xxx... WHERE mode=";
Then later say:
$result = mysql_query($query . $mode);
But this can cause other problems because it places a code dependency on
data external to the module. For instance, what if someone else defines
a variable $query? Or if you need to change the query itself (say add
another WHERE condition), how many places in your code would have to change?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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