Posted by Hendri Kurniawan on 08/07/07 04:09
On Aug 7, 1:50 pm, "jason" <n...@spam.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your response, I do see that this sitehttp://www.suggestexplorer.com/?q=carshas done something similar to what
> I'm looking for.
-- SNIP --
> > Hendri Kurniawan
unfortunately I can't open your url.
Yes it can be done, but I don't really have time to elaborate on that.
The following pseudo code *might* work:
1. Retrieve your google suggestion.
2. For each suggestion keywords, perform preg_match (or explode) to
separate each "word". ie. cars.com become array(cars, com)
3. Foreach of those keywrods, you repeatedly query to google, getting
only the first set of result
4. Display result
You should probably consider Google API instead.
(Which I'm not too familiar with, but I'm sure it's much better in
terms of performance and programming-time wise).
Hendri Kurniawan
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