Posted by gosha bine on 08/07/07 13:13
On 07.08.2007 12:05 gerrymcc@indigo.ie wrote:
> Thanks very much, that works beautifully; I have only a vague idea
> why, so I hope you don't mind a question or two about it.
That's what we are here for. ;)
> 1) I presume that <img src=etc> sends a GET request to the server,
> something like thisFile.php?keyName. The server then looks at the
> file again, sees an 'img' key in $_GET and processes the script?
Correct, you got it: acquiring html file and image are two distinct and
absolutely independent requests in http.
> 2) I know key() returns the key currently pointed to in the $_GET
> array, but there's no way I can see the content of that array, is
> there? I did a var_dump($_GET) but that shows an empty array.
When you script is called with a single parameter name, without a value,
the $_GET array looks like:
array('param_name' => '') <-- empty string
> As you said, I have a LOT of reading to do :-) I spent a few
> hours last night searching; a Google on "http and web browsers"
> got many hits on specific browsers and the RFC on HTTP, but little
> of the information was useful in the context of understanding scripts
> like the above. If you could suggest any resources, that would be
> much appreciated too.
I'd start here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP
Also, "http sniffer" tools (that show the traffic from and to your
browser) are very useful to understand what's going on. FireBug (firefox
extension) includes such a tool.
gosha bine
makrell ~ http://www.tagarga.com/blok/makrell
php done right ;) http://code.google.com/p/pihipi
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