Posted by dkruger on 08/08/07 14:06
Hi all,
I am having a problem with one of my scripts that when the data
contains an apostrophe in any of the fields it is causing a query
error with mysql, however the data is still being inserted into the
table. I am using addslashes to add the needed backslash prior to the
apostrophes, and when printing the query that is used, it looks like
the following:
VALUES ('ITGENERAL','Alchemy','test
\'s','2007-08-08','0000-00-00','this is getting annoying...the query
works when done directly to mysql client\'s, but will not work when
sent through php...',0,0)
The message I receive on the page is:
Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to
use near 's' AND Date_Request='2007-08-08'' at line 1
If I copy the query exactly as printed on the page, and paste directly
into the mysql client, the query is processed without any errors. The
php code is following:
$subject = addslashes($subject);
$sreq = addslashes($sreq);
$scomp = addslashes($scomp);
$qry = "INSERT INTO dbo_SC_Data
VALUES ('".$requestor."','".$wotype."','".$subject."','".
The above code is in a function that ends up calling a seperate
function to connect to mysql and run the query. I am posting this in
the php group, since the query when copied to the mysql works
properly, and so I am thinking it is some issue with the php on my
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