Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/09/07 12:27
Sanders Kaufman wrote:
> I just found out that an app I wrote doesn't allow the user to input
> apostrophes into the textarea. If they do, the insert/update fails.
> I'm sure this issue has been done to death - but it's the first time
> it's come up for me.
> What I'm doing is something like this:
> function UpdateRecord($iID, $sContent) {
> $sSQL = "UPDATE MyTable SET content='$sContent' where id=$iID";
> $bSuccess = RunSQL($sSQL);
> return $bSuccess;
> }
> Is there a simple escape command, or am I going to have to get all into
> writing some complex handler for apostrophes and whatnot.
> Note: In this example, I'm *totally* ignoring the threat from SQL
> injection. I just don't want apostrophes to crash the update/create.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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