Posted by Rik on 08/09/07 16:15
On Thu, 09 Aug 2007 15:09:34 +0200, Defacta <vincent.marguerit@gmail.com=
> =
> Hi,
> I have set my max upload file to 200M by modifiying the php.ini file:
> ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
> upload_max_filesize =3D 200M
> The function:
> echo ini_get("upload_max_filesize") ;
> display 200M.
> But I cannot upload files bigger than 7N, and yet I have no error
> message, the script of the form is executed as if the form where
> empty !
> Does anyone know how to upload big files in a <form> ?
> For exemple, if I put this at the beginning of the script:
> copy($HTTP_POST_FILES['img']['tmp_name'],
> $path_howsthat."/clients_imgs/toto.jpg") ;
> It does not copy anything and there is no error message, also,
> echo $HTTP_POST_FILES['img']['tmp_name'] is empty
1. set max_post_size equivalent or higher to upload_max_filesize.
2. make sure you have enough memory
3. make sure your form has the proper enctype (multipart/formdata).
4. use $_FILES instead of $HTTP_POST_FILES
5. make sure you upload directory exists, has the proper permissions, an=
d =
there is room left on th HD (either by permissions or actual space).
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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