Posted by burgermeister01 on 08/09/07 21:55
On Aug 9, 3:12 am, "lionel" <lio...@nospam.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> The HTML of my website is produced in UTF-8.
> I've got a contact form with a simple textearea.
> When I send this text :
> ----------------
> This is some text
> with a second line
> ----------------
> My PHP script sends it ($message) by e-mail :
> mail('me@localhost', 'message from contact', utf8_decode($message)) ;
> This is what I get in the e-mail :
> This is some textwith a second line
> I can't get the "\n" character.
> I also tried this way :
> $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
> $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
> mail('me@localhost', 'message from contact', utf8_decode(nl2br($message)),
> $headers) ;
> I still get the same thing :
> This is some textwith a second line
> How can I get the "\n" of the message correctly ?
> Thank you in advance,
> :: Lionel ::
If you need to handle UTF-8 I found the following library to be
helpful. As far as I can remember, this will actually translate it
into a corresponding ASCII string, so I don't think any mail servers
that also have issues with UTF-8 should have any issues either. Hope
it helps!
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