Posted by amygdala on 08/10/07 17:11
"www.gerardvignes.com" <gerardvignes@gmail.com> schreef in bericht
>I ran into a login-related problem with NN4 about 6 years ago. This
> was with an ASP site. The problem might be similar enough to suggest
> somethig helpful:
> I used a frameset that consisted of two frames. Everything was from
> the same domain. On frame offered help links (that didn't require a
> login). The other frame offered a login screen. Upon a successful
> login, the login page was replaced by the applicaiton home page (in
> the same frame). We were using the standard ASP Session to keep track
> of the login.
> This worked very well in IE and NN *** until *** we added SSL to
> protect the login page. To do this, the login page url changed from
> http://www.whatever.com/login.asp to
> https://www.whatever.com:443/login.asp.
> The rest of the site url's remained the same. That broke the login
> with NN4. It still worked fine with IE.
> In NN4, the browser cookie was apparantly not getting set to record
> the session id and thus the login state was lost. I experimented, but
> was not able to come up with a simple solution. We ended up replacing
> the frameset with a simple login page (no frameset). This allowed the
> login to work in NN4 (cookie saved, even with SSL). Once logged in,
> the user was redirected to the actual application, which then loaded
> the frameset and two frames (help and application).
> It looked like the problem was caused by bad vibes between NN4,
> frames, SSL and cookies. I never found a smoking gun. I just changed
> the design, which was not great to begin with.
> BTW, I stopped using framesets almost 5 years ago. I stopped
> supporting NN4 about 4 years ago. Haleluja!
> I hope this helps.
> Gerard Vignes
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