Posted by lionel on 08/11/07 10:28
> If you need to handle UTF-8 I found the following library to be
> helpful. As far as I can remember, this will actually translate it
> into a corresponding ASCII string, so I don't think any mail servers
> that also have issues with UTF-8 should have any issues either. Hope
> it helps!
Thanks !
I've found what the pb was : I sent the textarea content via an ajax get
query. after tracing each character and its ascii code, it appears that the
"\r\n" characters are present before the ajax get query (traced without pb
in javascript) and disappears in the php code. I used the following trick. I
replaced "\r\n" by "__r__n" in javascript and I replace "__r__n" by "\r\n"
in php. I assume it's not really a solution but I couldn't find any better
one. maybe sending in an ajax post query could solve the pb, I didn't try.
:: Lionel ::
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