Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/11/07 13:34
Sanders Kaufman wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>>> It's interesting that this function is not fully a part of PHP, but
>>> rather relies on some libraries in MySQL.
>>> Seems to me, if I was the PHP guys, I wouldn't have made it so. Must
>>> be a liability risk-avoidance thing.
>>> I guess that's just one more reason why PHP5's features are what I
>>> wanna go to as quick as possible.
>> That's because it's a wrapper to the same function in MySQL. Why
>> duplicate effort - especially since you don't have all the information
>> available, anyway?
> Gosh Jerry, you promised to ignore my posts; to not respond to any more
> of them.
> I'd appreciate it very much if you'd stick to your word of honor on this.
> If you have something to offer - go ahead. But if you're just trolling
> for a fight - this ain't the place for it.
No, just pointing out that this was one of the stupidest questions I've
seen in this newsgroup in a long time.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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