Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/13/07 16:29
Michael N wrote:
> i have some scripts made for use as a CLI scripts from the console.
> but i like use this scipts from a webbrower.
> i dont like to patch the scripts too much.
> the script uses the stream wrapper:
> php://stdin
> php://stdout
> php://stderr
> possible solutions:
> 1) a wrapper to wrap over the php://sdt* streams
> 2) change the php://sdt* streams to a new wrapper (like webphp://sdt )
> is there already a working solution?
> maybe with use of ajax?
Actually, something like this I would put the common stuff in classes or
functions. Then include it in both the command line and web page files.
Much more portable, and cleaner.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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