Posted by Geradeaus on 08/16/07 07:29
On 7 aug, 15:24, gosha bine <stereof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 07.08.2007 11:11 Geradeaus wrote:
> > I use mod_rewrite all the time, but I was still asking myself how you
> > combine it with a database.
> > e.g. you have an article with the title : "Mac, windows or linux. Who
> > will tell?"
> > so I can get something like this : http:///www.domain.com/article/mac-windows-or-linux-who-will-tell
> > What should I do?
> > 1. just urlencode the title (but then I have problems with the ,
> > and .)
> > 2. use a regular expression to filter out the special characters
> > (replace spaces and ", ." by "-" ... etc) and save the filtered-title
> > into the database? When I want to search for this article I just
> > perform a regular expression on the title string and search for it in
> > the databse: WHERE title = ".regularexpressionfunction($title)."
> > 3. Or don't you save this title into the database, but do you always
> > perform this regular expression while searching in the database? e.g.
> > WHERE REGEX(title) LIKE '".regularexpressionfunction($title)."'
> > I have been googling for a long time, but I can't find a descent
> > article about this ...
> > thanks for your help!
> A title to url conversion is simple
> function title_to_url($title) {
> preg_match_all('/\w+/', strtolower($title), $m);
> return implode('-', $m[0]);
> }
> echo title_to_url("Mac, windows or linux. Who will tell?");
> The opposite (given an url, find an article) is far more complicated.
> There are two approaches: store url in the database, as others
> suggested, or split an url to words and perform the full text search for
> those words. The latter has an advantage that users will be able to use
> different urls to access the same article, e.g.
> http:///www.domain.com/article/linux-who-will-tell
> or
> http:///www.domain.com/article/linux-mac-windows
> etc.
> --
> gosha bine
> makrell ~http://www.tagarga.com/blok/makrell
> php done right ;)http://code.google.com/p/pihipi
maybe the solution to save the title to url conversion is the best
indeed... thanks for all your help!
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