Reply to Re: Scrubbing MySQL Values and CSVtoArray()

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Posted by Rik on 08/17/07 02:29

On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 04:06:46 +0200, Sanders Kaufman <> =


> Rik wrote:
>> Hmmmz, someone posted an interesting solution:
>> function parseCSV($str, $delimiter =3D ',', $enclosure =3D '"', $len=
=3D 0)
>> {
>> $fh =3D fopen('php://memory', 'w+');
>> fwrite($fh, $str);
>> rewind($fh);
>> $result =3D fgetcsv( $fh, $len, $delimiter, $enclosure );
>> fclose($fh);
>> return $result;
>> }
>> var_dump(parseCSV('"foo","bar\"",234,324,"boz"'));
> Oh, I get it! PHP can parse a CSV *file*, but not a CSV *string*. So=
, =

> to parse the string, he just created a file in memory, and parsed that=
> That's cool. I'll bet there are other cool ways to make use of that =

> technique.

Yup, one of the main advantages is 'directing' output. Say for instance =
I =

have a logger class. I can set the output where to log in a single strin=
g, =

making it quite versatile. Log to the screen, a systemfile, a file on a =

ftpserver, to some socket; hell, even a database if I define a wrapper f=
or =

it, all possible with giving it a single target, and the same code logs =
to =

it without any problems.
-- =

Rik Wasmus

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