Posted by Evan Wagner on 07/17/05 23:15
That's not really what smarty was designed for. You want to seperate
your logic and presentation. For example, if you wanted to assign the
$data variable in smarty to fetch_some_date_from_db(); then you would
do it like this:
$smarty->assign('data', fetch_some_data_from_db());
And thus for you to show what fetch_some_data_from_db() has done you
would just need this in your template file:
If you cannot understand this you need to at least read the crash
course on the Smarty site.
On 7/17/05, Fredrik Arild Takle <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> inside a template I do the following
> {php}
> $data = fetch_some_data_from_db();
> {/php}
> <head>
> <title>Test</titel>
> </head>
> <body>
> {data}
> </body>
> My problem is how do I assign the $data variable?
> --
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