Posted by GarryJones on 08/22/07 04:47
> As you've found, history.back() is not foolproof. And what if they have javascript disabled?
> It's harder, but put the cancel button in a form. In that form have the values as hidden fields, i.e.
The strange thing is I have identical code that works for users
elsewhere on the site. In "user entry" the number of entries allowed
is 10 sets of 10. This is where users enter themselves and club
members into events.
This particular code is for the race organisers to enter the details
of particpiants who register "on the line" by filling in a form. The
race office then needs to be able to enter all this data. Some race
organisers need to key in several thousand entrants. I chose 30 at a
time as a balance between "ease of use" and "risk of lost data during
entry". (Not nice to have keyed in 3000 lines of code and see the
computer screen go blank when the tea lady trips over the cable just
as you where about to press enter).
Anyway, I have much more control about java being on and so on as it
is a limited number of people actually keying in this data. This entry
form is also hidden behind an admin login folder on the website and
this not open to the masses.
So its strange that history.back() works on the initial code but not
on this. My coding is identical except for the inclusion of more rows
and the fact that its behind a htaccess/htpasswd page.
However I have already stored the values as hidden on the preview page
so I simply need to use the "value=" on the form entry page to fix it.
So problem solved, but its still strange how identical code works/
doesn't work on the same website from my own pc.
Thanks for your help
Garry Jones
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