Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 08/23/07 12:16
John Hosking wrote:
> dalyea@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply. I fixed all 158 errors and now the page passes
>> on W3C. That was the right place to start, you're right.
I did suggest using HTML 4.01 Strict ("Failed validation, 165 Errors")
but it would be easier, far easier, to rewrite the page(s) from scratch
to move from Transitional to Strict.
> Beauregard also pointed you to http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
> where you will see that you still have 36 errors in your CSS. You're
> not done starting. ;-)
Not to mention styling errors embedded in the HTML, such as:
style="margin: 4 0 4 0;
4 what? Hobnobs? Potatoes?
>> So now - what? The top of the page is still off.
> If I add 300px to each of your left: values in #logo1t and #logo1w,
> the header looks better, though not perfect, and possibly not what
> you wanted, and as BTS mentioned, it breaks badly when I upsize the
> text.
Did you notice how the banner graphic scrolls in IE6, but not anywhere
else? This page is another case of "designed in IE - works ok, now what
to I have to hack to get it to work in better browsers?"
And somehow I don't associate pink and powder blue with skiing... (no,
I am not a skier.)
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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