Posted by gosha bine on 08/23/07 09:28
On 23.08.2007 09:58 Piotr Nowak wrote:
> Hi,
> Say i have a server process which listens for some changes in database.
> When a change occurs i want to refresh my page in browser by notyfinig it.
> I do not want to refresh my page i.e. every 5 seconds, i just want to
> refresh it ONLY on server change just like desktop applications do.
> The problem is that refreshing evry n seconds has to much impact on my
> web server. The refresh action should be taken only when something
> really happens that makes sense
> Is it possible ?
Yes, it's possible in http, however I think you'd be better off with
flash or java applet connected to a non-http socket server.
The correct search term for what you're trying to do is "server push",
hope this helps you further.
gosha bine
makrell ~
php done right ;)
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