Posted by amygdala on 08/23/07 21:30
amygdala wrote:
> Manuel Lemos wrote:
>> Hello,
> <snip>
>>> But what could be causing my characters to randomly be transformed
>>> to UTF-8? Do you have any idea? I don't do it anywhere in my
>>> application (except for the test I stated in my first mail)? I've
>>> changed everything back to how it was though, and now it still shows
>>> test ëèï
>>> and sometimes
>>> test ���
>>> without me changing anything in the programs code? That is weird,
>>> isn't it?
>> If you use utf8_encode, you transform iso-8859-1 text in utf-8.
>> Since you only have text in one encoding that only uses 8 bit, utf-8
>> is not useful for you.
> I understand this. But the point I am trying to bring across, most
> likely I wasn't too clear on that, is that I don't use UTF-8 encoding
> anywhere anymore. I only used it once or twice, to see if that would
> solve my problem. But to be very clear about it: I removed all
> utf8_encode() functions, and my code is therefor back to it's usual
> state. But my problem remains the same:
> Sometimes the unintended
> ëèï
> sometimes the intended
> ���
> It seems to happen pretty random.
> Therefor I am still stunned as to what could be causing this problem.
> It looks as if something (maybe some mail gateway?) is transforming
> my e-mails to UTF-8.
> Do you have any other idea of what might be going on here? Your
> insights are very welcome.
To add to this: the malformed e-mails have an earlier timestamp than that of
the correct e-mails, eventhough I have sent the malformed e-mail later then
the correct one. This leads me to believe that the incorrect e-mail indeed
get send with another mailserver or get send through a different
mail-gateway 'route' if such a thing exists. I'll contact my webhost once
more, and tell them about this new finding. Perhaps, with this new
information, they suddenly know what might cause the problem.
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