Posted by stiki on 08/24/07 14:12
> It's unfortunate, because slicing doesn't have to mean fixed-width layout,
> and markup quality is an entirely separate question. A designer who's aware
> of the need for a page to "stretch" when resized can take that need into
> account, creating slices in the master image to accommodate that need.
This is an interesting point I was not aware of. How can I create
create and export to HTML the sites that need to "stretch" using FW?
Up this only recently I did all my layout design in Photoshop, and
then used typed all my HTML manually using the free ASP developing
tool. What made me switch is that I met a few designers who had an
amazingly profitable business and they used every tool available to
make their work more efficient and that's when I started to use FW.
I'm not a fan of its HTML but I can't deny its ability to speed up my
work flow. Its extremely usefull when a penny pinching client wants
something for nothing.
Igor Terzic
Creative Director
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