Posted by mel on 08/26/07 15:26
I am trying to understand how anonymous web surfing works.
They are know services that proxies a website allowing you to make
requests to a server-in-the-middle and getting the content back,
instead of making it directly to the desired website.
Apparently, they fetch the website content and substitutes
all file/links/image/css references to the external server.
It is pretty much what
<?php include($_GET["http://wikipedia.org"]); ?>
would do, but also fixing all the css, links local references
to the external server.
Using a simple include, this
would fetch html as it is, and may have links like this
<a href="main.html">
while I want it to forward all the local links to :
<a href="http://wikipedia.org/main.html">
Does anyone knows how to do this ?
PS I am trying to avoid html manipulation (like using tidy or
phphtmlparser), but I was wondering if there is any alternative ...
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