Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 08/26/07 21:23
Matt wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> This is a pretty silly one, I just can't get my head around it.
> I have a table of artices, with a row "isPremium", meaning it's
> content available only to paid users. In my corresponding user table I
> have a row "user_group" with various levels signifying access rights.
> In my file displayarticle.php I'm trying to process this. What I want
> is for the system to check the article ID, if it's premium, check the
> user's credentials (and if they're not okay, print some kind of
> error), and if it's not premium, just display it as normal.
What - are we working on the same project? ;)
The way I did this is to have the article displayed in TWO PHP pages,
loaded into the main page.
The first page displays the teaser - title and description - to everyone.
The second page checks the credentials before displaying the content.
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