Reply to Re: xhtml strict javascript problem trying to use "id" in plane of "name" attribute

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Posted by Martin Jay on 08/28/07 00:54

On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 00:07:27 -0000, wrote:

>I have tried to resolve this in several ways that I have found on the
>internet, but none seems to work. Here is the shortened code which is
>a website displaying a webcam. The .jpg is overwritten with new image
>from the camera. This code works, but does not pass W3C XHTML
>1) How can I keep this working, and change the attribute to "id" so is
>passes STRICT?

The 'id' is fine. The validator doesn't like 'name.'

>2) While I'm asking questions, what purpose does the "//" in the //<!
>[CDATA[ line perform? When I read the spec (
>xhtml1/) it only says to use <![CDATA[ ?

There's an explanation here: <>.

You may find that 'HTML 4.01 strict' is more suited to your needs.
Martin Jay

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