Posted by Krustov on 08/27/07 21:59
<Mon, 27 Aug 2007 14:36:14 -0700>
> I am looking for a way to round a number (which will be displayed as a
> dollar amount) to the nearest nickel. Using the php round function
> only allows you to control the number of decimal places in a number. I
> need to round to the nearest .05. For example: 5.36 would be rounded
> to 5.35, 10.49 would be rounded to 10.50, etc.. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.
Here goes the worst ever php code posted to this newsgroup .
But hang loose as somebody will be along shortly with a one line
solution :-)
print "demo = $demo <br><br>";
print "daffyduck = $daffyduck <br><br>";
print "mickymouse = $mickymouse <br><br>";
if ($mickymouse==".")
print "snowwhite = $snowwhite <br><br>";
print "dwarfs = $dwarfs <br><br>";
if ($dwarfs==0) {$poop=0;}
if ($dwarfs==1) {$poop=0;}
if ($dwarfs==2) {$poop=0;}
if ($dwarfs==3) {$poop=5;}
if ($dwarfs==4) {$poop=5;}
if ($dwarfs==5) {$poop=5;}
if ($dwarfs==6) {$poop=5;}
if ($dwarfs==7) {$poop=0;}
if ($dwarfs==8) {$poop=0;}
if ($dwarfs==9) {$poop=0;}
$albundy=$snowwhite . $poop;
print "albundy = $albundy <br><br>";
(c) The Amazing Krustov
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