Reply to Error messages

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Posted by Fabio on 08/28/07 13:46


One question.

I set to php.ini this

error_reporting=E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

to be a list of error messages and some warnings/tips on the code written.

All good, but if I have code like

function foo(string $x)


I got this error

Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to foo() must be an instance of
string, string given, called in E:\Work\php\phpFramework\test.php on line 8
and defined in E:\Work\php\phpFramework\test.php on line 3

!!!but... is not "hi" a string???
What kind of *Catchable fatal error* would be this???


I write foo(string $x) exactly to say that the function need a string!


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