Posted by Good Man on 08/29/07 16:48
Erwin Moller
<Since_humans_read_this_I_am_spammed_too_much@spamyourself.com> wrote in
> How does Ruby compare to PHP?
> What do you think of Ruby and Ruby on Rails?
> I don't need links to wikepedia or ruby homepage or something like
> Found them myself. ;-)
> I hope for opinions from PHP programmers on Ruby.
I don't have much experience with Ruby either, but from what I've read,
it doesn't scale very well at all. PHP is apparantly far superior in
that regard - I've read comments on the web that indicate some people
have junked their Ruby projects and recoded them in PHP for the scaling
issue alone.
One thing about Ruby I've noticed is that its followers are pretty rabid
about it, and generally don't like to hear bad things about it.
I personally love PHP, it does absolutely everything I need it to do (at
the moment), it's fast, has many years of experience and development
behind it, and is almost universally available on web servers. That
being said, I am freely able to handle disparaging comments about its
shortcomings, which I am well aware of.
I wouldn't learn Ruby unless a new job (ie: career, not project)
required it. There are certain languages/apps I'm not prepared to do a
'adequate' performance with; I'd rather get paid 'expert' style money
for my PHP skills than average pay for 'servicable' Ruby skills. Much in
the same way that I just stopped trying to keep up with
actionscript,asp, etc... I'd rather be an expert in a couple languages
than a jack-of-all-trades.
Ruby will be good for getting you to standardize your coding I suppose,
but if you're after speed, scalability and a ton of support/development
history, then PHP is where it's at.
ps: I am not interested in a flame-war!
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