Posted by ELINTPimp on 08/29/07 19:11
On Aug 29, 2:41 pm, Sanders Kaufman <bu...@kaufman.net> wrote:
> Steve wrote:
> > "Jerry Stuckle" <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> > | I think Sanders is just being honest when he says he's in the dark about
> > | it. I think most programmers are.
> > well, it's painfully obvious he doesn't. however, those other 'most'
> > programmers don't put down anything they know
> Really?!
> In my experience, and I speak FOR myself as well, most engineering types
> are HIGHLY critical of things they don't understand.
> It's a side-effect of keeping yourself informed. If you're a smart
> engineer, and you've kept your skills sharp, and then some businessman
> comes along and tells you that "waterfall" or "extreme" or "agile" is
> THE best way for you to work - you'd be a fool not to be critical.
> Especially if, like so many of us here, you're an individual contributor.
Man, I go away for a couple days and 50+ posts, about 20 different
kinds of insults targeted at an individual engineering capabilities,
and still having fun!
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