Reply to Re: Best Coding Practice

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Posted by Steve on 08/29/07 21:14

| The other day I was talking to a fellow who wanted to know how I was
| doing with this framework. He liked what I've said about it so far, and
| may very well pony up a few KiloBucks for me to mash his website into my
| framework.
| He asked me to tell him about whatever I was currently doing with it and
| I said that I had to "refactor" it to make sure that I could later add
| other DBMS's to it and the user not have to change their code. (That's
| the correct use of "refactor", right?)
| Man! The look he gave me!

and you were a dumbass to use private lingo to a public audience! 'refactor'
in programming is of no use to someone outside of programming. it could also
be lingo in another context. the fact that you don't know what appropriate
language to speak to whom and when is frightening!

| He's not a technie; he's a businessman. So while he may not understand
| the nitty-gritty of programming - he know's when he's being bull-shitted.

apparently not. he's considering your framework, right. ;^)

| I think of these buzz-word processes as Legacy business logic. A
| pattern that may have worked will in the 20th century, when IT was new,
| but not so much in the present day.

only, with the discussion at hand, refactoring and the greater context it
was birthed in are very sound programming methods to employ to ensure
quality. if you knew what you were talking about, you'd know the practice is
more than just words you don't understand. sad, it involves processes yet
known to you!

| Now that computers, for most people, are not scary, impossibly complex,
| proprietary things - folks are more comfortable hearing the real talk -
| instead of the talk about the talk.

so why the hell would you think lingo is profitably entangled with standard
english...such that you don't know to filter based on audience? that's just
dumb. i already think that about you, why are you giving me more cause?!

[Back to original message]

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