Posted by Harlan Messinger on 08/30/07 17:06
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Art wrote:
>> You can try placing an encoded line feed into the title:
>> <acronym title="apple pie custard tart">
>> although this isn't universally recognized by all browsers for
>> tool-tips. Firefox, IE, and Safari do. Opera and Seamonkey don't
>> (treats it as a space).
>> Although the line feed isn't an HTML named entity
>> (, browsers
>> historically have recognized this numerical encoding method.
> You didn't try this did you? It isn't recognized at all in a title
> attribute for any browser that I know of including FF and Opera... Now
> on Windows system (LF+CR)works with Gecko and IE but not on
> Opera... Doesn't work with FF on Linux but does with Konqueror... spotty
> at best.
The Windows line separator is CR + LF, not the other way around.
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