Posted by Rik Wasmus on 08/30/07 17:39
On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:59:18 +0200, William Gill <noreply@example.invali=
d> =
> William Gill wrote:
>>> <http://nl3.php.net/imagecolorat>
>> I played with imagecolorat() before, but it didn't seem to work with=
a =
>> non indexed color image (i.e. it worked with a gif, but not a jpeg). =
>> Reading the spec seemed to confirm that the function returns the colo=
r =
>> index (not the color), which can then be read for rgb values. I was =
>> able to convert the jpeg to an indexed image, then use imagecolorat()=
, =
>> but it meant reducing the original to 256 colors first.
>> I will try again, using your snippet, and let you know.
> further digging says on PHP with GD >=3D 2.0, imagecolorat() should re=
turn =
> rgb on truecolor images. I need to do some more digging and testing.
Indeed. Use print_r(gd_info()); to see the specifics of your gd version.=
-- =
Rik Wasmus
My new ISP's newsserver sucks. Anyone recommend a good one? Paying for =
quality is certainly an option.
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