Posted by 4sak3n 0ne on 08/31/07 17:37
On Aug 31, 6:58 am, Eddie <eddieandr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having difficulty in setting variables in a session, and then
> accessing those variables throughout the web pages that they click
> on. After having them set a user name and password, successfully
> authenticating against Active Directory, I send them from the
> login.php page to the index.php page. But when I get to the index.php
> page, the session ID is visible, but the session variables and values
> are not. Can you help me out? Also, I'm curious how to distinguish
> between various sessions if multiple ones are available. My files are
> below. Thanks.
> Eddie
> -- excerpt of login.php page
> start_session();
> $user= $_POST[u];
> $pass= $_POST[p];
> if (isset($_SESSION[user]) and ($_SESSION[user]==$user)){
> $_SESSION[auth] = admin_all;
> $_SESSION[user] = $user;
> $_SESSION[timelast] = time();
> $_SESSION[email] = 'testem...@testdomain.com';
> header('Location:http://mydomain.com/index.php');
> }
> but when I go to the on to the index.php page, I cannot see the
> results. What am I missing?
> -- excerpt of index.php page
> $sessname = session_name();
> $sessid = session_id();
> session_start();
> print "<pre>\nContents of \$_COOKIE:\n";
> foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) {
> print " $k = $v\n";
> }
> print "\nContents of \$_SESSION:\n";
> foreach ($_SESSION as $k => $v) {
> print " $k = $v\n";}
> print "</pre><br>";
> print "sessionuser = " . $_SESSION[user] . " <br>";
> print "sessiontimelast = " . $_SESSION[timelast] . " <br>";
> -- output of index.php page
> Contents of $_COOKIE:
> PHPSESSID = e12d796fc6e373569202c58d8f096815
> Contents of $_SESSION:
> user =
> timelast =
> Session name = PHPSESSID
> Session id = e12d796fc6e373569202c58d8f096815
> -- excerpt of php.ini file
> session.use_cookies = 1
> session.name = PHPSESSID
> session.auto_start = 0
> session.cookie_lifetime = 0
> session.serialize_handler = php
start_session() isn't a php function (unless you declared a function
by that name I didn't notice), replace it with session_start().
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