Posted by The Natural Philosopher on 09/01/07 22:58
Rik Wasmus wrote:
>> its more efficient to have 5000 files all called 00001, 00002...05000
>> in one directory, or whether to split them up over several..and
>> whether to keep their names and extensions intact, or just be lazy,
>> knowing the data base knows what they were called.
> Hmm, depends on the file system, not really an expert there. Jerry would
> tell you to just serve them up straight from the database, and forget
> about the filesystem, I'm not so sure :).
I was wondering about that. It has a certain appeal..Would MySQL handle
60Mbyte Bitmap? I suppose so, when all is said and done..a LONGBLOB
would be enough..I suppose my fear is that the database might get
corrupted..at least with the files stashed on disk one could have some
chance of recovery.. Hmm.
Also performance..how long does it take to take the uploaded temporary
file and insert it into the database?
To move its directory and change its name is trivial..
You can do a little testing
> offcourse, see what works best.
Will php allow you to read a 60Mbyte file into a string, and toss it
around like a 16 byte customer name?
If I could guarantee all files were small, I'd go that route.
But I just know someone is going to want to upload a whole movie one day
:-) :-)
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