Posted by John Hosking on 09/03/07 00:26
On Sun, 02 Sep 2007 23:14:43 -0000, yhiayyrt@gmail.com wrote:
[Followups set to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general]
>> If you don't quote the previous posts, people won't know what "this type of
>> question" is. Now you have to start all over in m.p.i.general. Maybe you
>> could lurk there a while first.
> Thank you that makes sense! I have expanded this thread. Hopefully
> the entire thread will catch someones eye. ;)
Well, you're welcome, but you haven't acheived anything by "expanding this
thread." In fact, all you've done by adding another newsgroup to the list
is fed your post to a new NG where nobody knows anything about your
question. Even I don't remember what it was. ;-)
Follow these steps:
Do a search in microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general for your topic of
Lurk in microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general for a while and watch the
Make a new post to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general and only that
NG. No, wait a minute, that's too much like that nasty multi-posting that
everybody hates. Here, I'll help you. I'm setting followups on this post to
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general. What you can do is go to that
NG, reply to my post with a description of your question, and hope someone
can satisfy your desires. I know IE7 has a popup-blocker, but that's all I
know about it.
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