Posted by Gary L. Burnore on 09/03/07 03:11
On Sun, 02 Sep 2007 21:10:14 -0400, Jerry Stuckle
<jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>> On Sun, 02 Sep 2007 16:40:53 -0400, Jerry Stuckle
>> <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>> foogow wrote:
>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>> So maybe you should take your own advice before dispensing it to others.
>>>> ...agreed. That's why I said "myself included."
>>>> Flames tend to spread like a grass fire, igniting the surroundings.
>>>> I'm doing my best not to make it worse now (after having done
>>>> so once, as you pointed out).
>>> No problem. I'm willing to drop it.
>> So then do it.
>Who asked another troll to chime in?
Are you ever not an idiot?
gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore | ÝÛ³ºÝ³Þ³ºÝ³³Ýۺݳ޳ºÝ³Ý³Þ³ºÝ³ÝÝÛ³
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