Posted by Michael Fesser on 09/03/07 14:19
..oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>Michael Fesser wrote:
>> .oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>>> OK, you're using the wrong tool for this. PHP is server side, not
>>> client side, and has no idea what happens at the client.
>> Csaba wrote:
>> | My question was about CLI PHP (Command Line Interface or CLIent side
>> | php), and not server side processing.
>Yes, I can read, Micha. My comment stands.
The CLI doesn't involve any server. I even use it for shell scripts. Of
course you can write applications in PHP that don't communicate via HTTP
with some other. As far as I understand the OP is using PHP for writing
some kind of Windows application and wants to capture messages sent by
another app.
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