Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 09/03/07 20:16
Dawson wrote:
> A client of ours with a large ecommerce shop is looking at moving to
> Joomla...
> The question is:
> Is Joomla ready for large critical enterprise e-commerce
> application(s), with white-labelling and all the features, stability
> and security you would expect to come with it?
> Can you point me to a case-study/url/source(s) for your opinion.
Joomla's not very different from any other framework out there - it's
secure, it's manageable, it's sleek. You likely won't find any case
studies to contradict that claim.
Like any other framework, Joomla is great for folks who don't have the
resources to create their own framework - like small businesses and
But if you're working within a large enterprise where you already have
an IT system in place, you'll have to massage the heck out of a
pre-built framework in order to get it to jibe with the way you do
business. Beyond that, you'll find yourself working around features in
a shrink-wrapped app when they don't jibe with the way you do business.
In my opinion, a large ecommerce shop would be better off creating their
own framework.
My experience at NorTel provides anecdotal support for that. I worked
on a team of about 60 ASP and *nix programmers who were supposed to
customize a third-party framework (I forget the name of it) to be used
by all the departments within NorTel.
After 6 months, they finally decided that customizing the framework they
bought into was just not possible. They fired all but three of us and
those three built a framework for them within a couple of months - one
that they could bend to conform to the business, rather than t'other way
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