Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/06/07 14:21
Harry Bellafonte wrote:
> Hi
> I have created a webpage. When I open it in a browser I see in the
> bottom left corner the text 'Done" with an exclamation mark. If I
> double click on it a small internet explorer window opens with the
> following content:
> Line: 3
> Char: 3
> Error: Object required
> Code: 0
> How can I find the third line where the error occurs, because on the
> third line in the html code there is only a head tag. I don't think
> that is the problem. Should I use another program to realy find the
> right spot where the error occurs?
Lesson: Do NOT use IE for debugging. They have a *unique* method of
recording errors for debugging, I guess that explain a lot about some of
their software...
Using just about any other browser will be preferable because it will
show in which linked file the error is located! Even in Firefox with no
addon extensions the "Error Console" or Opera's "JavaScript Console"
will pinpoint exactly where the error is.
Take care,
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