Reply to Re: Session variables and IE7

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Posted by Erwin Moller on 09/06/07 10:34 wrote:

Hi Bulldog,

> I have a web page set up for doctors to request vacation. All was
> working well until they upgrade their home PCs to IE7, at which time
> the variables lose their values when they click submit.

'the variables' refers to the ones in $_SESSION ?

We've allowed
> cookies from this site and allowed JS to run in an attempt to fix the
> issue, but no luck.
> I use a javascript calendar and additional javascript to make sure the
> end date > start date.
> The user can still use the calendar tool to select dates and the js
> still correctly ensures the end date and num of days requested fields
> are populated correctly, so I am looking at my PHP code first.
> Is there some error in my handling of session variables?
> PHP code:
> <?php
> /**
> * request.php
> *
> * Sends an email containing a vacation request and posts to database.
> *
> */
> session_start();
> //Let's see if they want to go to another page first
> if (strlen($btn) > 0) {

Are you relying on register globals ancient wrong settings in php.ini?
This code needs to be fixed IMHO.

<snipped a few pages of code>

Bulldog, you better start with a very simple page that uses a sessions,
and a followup page that tries to read the session.
That will learn you what is wrong without the complications of the old
(bad) script.

$_SESSION["test"] = "Testing";
<a href="page2.php">Session set, go to page2 to check its value</a>

<?php print_r($_SESSION); ?>
<?php print_r($_POST); ?>
<?php print_r($_GET); ?>
<?php print_r($_COOKIE); ?>


Try something simple as this first, and see what happens.

Erwin Moller

PS: Please fix the register globals thingy....

[Back to original message]

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