Posted by salmobytes on 09/06/07 12:38
On Sep 6, 6:03 am, 4sgcv5hy6d0r <fj4sgcv5hy6d...@temporaryinbox.com>
> Hi group!
> Why str_replace does not work in this case?
> Thanks in advance!
> if ($cat0 != ''){ $query_cat0 = "cat0 LIKE '$cat0%'"; }
> if ($cat1 != ''){ $query_cat1 = "AND cat1 LIKE '$cat1%'"; }
> if ($cat2 != ''){ $query_cat2 = "AND cat2 LIKE '$cat2%'"; }
> $mysql_query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ".$query_cat0." ".
> $query_cat1." ".$query_cat2;
> $what = 'WHERE AND';
> $with = 'WHERE';
> $mysql_query = str_replace($what, $with, $mysql_query);
> echo $mysql_query;
It doesn't work?
If you put 'AND ' in front
of cat0 you could mix the where conditions in arbitrary
runtime combinations and order sequences.
.....keep two buffers and a table-name hash:
$select = 'select '; // append column titles according to menu
$from = ''; // foreach column title in select, insert
matching table name to a hash
where = ' where ' // foreach column title, take a condition from
menu values
.....put it all together and (as you suggest) turn 'where and' into
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