Posted by ZeldorBlat on 09/08/07 20:11
On Sep 8, 1:57 pm, cppaddict <he...@hello.com> wrote:
> I have dates like "8/27" or "9/4", and I need to convert them to date
> objects.
> When choosing a year, we should go backwards until we find the first
> match. That is, if the script runs on Jan 1, 2008 and encounters the
> string "8/27", it should return a date for "8/27/2007".
> I've been playing around with strtodate and some other functions but I
> can't figure this out, and as there must be a simple solution I'd like
> to avoid writing a custom function.
> Thanks for any help,
> cpp
The year will always be this year or last year. So, try both and pick
the one that is before the current date:
$someDate = '8/27'
$lastYear = strtotime($someDate . '/' . date('Y'));
$thisYear = strtotime($someDate . '/' . (date('Y')-1));
$theDate = ($thisYear <= time()) ? $thisYear : $lastYear;
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