Posted by shimmyshack on 09/10/07 21:31
On Sep 10, 4:40 pm, "Peter" <Will_Bounce_So_Use_My_First_N...@Smart-
Projects.net> wrote:
> >> eregi_replace( '[^a-zA-Z0-9'\-]', '', $_POST['input1'] );
> So does this replace everything between
> a - z
> A - Z
> 0 - 9
> ?
> How can I include to allow an underscore and a dash ?
you could use ereg_replace (eregi_replace is case insensitive so we
neednt use a-z AND A-Z)
the idea is that you always whitelist characters you are prepared to
[a-z] is a character range, as is A-Z and 0-9 (you could list them
each individually as well sa in ' and -)
some characters have special meaning inside [] like - which denotes a
range, so its escaped with \
the ^ has a meanings inside and out outside
it means that the string must start with something in the rnage a-z
[^a-z] means
the first chracter must NOT be in the range.
means is anything which is NOT in the ranges denoted.
you can include more using
and by also using their hex equivalents for spacial chars, however
some have special meaning like * so they have to be escaped.
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