Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/11/07 11:17
IRC wrote:
> On Sep 11, 1:31 pm, "Ron Barnett" <N...@Spam.Thanks> wrote:
>> "IRC" <ircadhik...@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:1189488646.751184.158810@19g2000hsx.googlegroups.com...
>>> hey, i am pretty new on javascript as well as PHP,
>>> Hey, anyone can you help me, how to pass the javascript array value to
>>> php page.........
>>> i want to retrieve the values which are arrayed on "selectedValues"
>>> from next page for php variable
>>> this is my javascript code saved on "sendValue.js" file,
>>> <script>
>>> function updateRecordEntry(requestValue){
>>> var slen= requestValue.length;
>>> var selectedValues = new Array();
>>> var selCount="";
>>> for(var i=slen-1; i>=0; i--){
>>> if(requestValue.options[i].selected){
>>> selectedValues[selCount] =
>>> requestValue.options[i].value;
>>> selCount++;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> </script>
>>> i need to retrieve the array "selectedValues" values from next php
>>> pages. so, how i can do this..........
>>> i am previously doing through url to pass single javascript value and
>>> do $_REQUEST from next php page. But here i need to send/retrieve the
>>> array not the single value.
>>> so which is the better way for this.............
>>> Thank You
>> you can assign the array to a hidden input variable in an html form and
>> either use a submit button or JavaScript to fire the submit event and pass
>> it using a post rather than a get.
>> Collect the array from $_REQUEST .
>> Cheers
>> Ron
> Actually its now working on that.............coz, the problem is that,
> i have two selection boxes, S1, S2, at S1 the options are initially
> available, i used javascript and and select the option from S1 to S2
> using selection boxes "name" value. if insert the hidden tag inside
> the S2-selection box, it will append in selection tag also, so i can't
> do that., and i need to retrieve that value from S2-selection
> boxs......but i m not getting a way out. if i make S1 name as array
> "name[]" the javascript code will not work for exchanging options
> between S1 and S2. i tried but i am not getting
The hidden value doesn't go inside the s2 selection box, it's an extra
value, i.e.
<input type=hidden name="myvalue" value="">
Then use your js to set the value in it. Or, if you need an unknown
number of values, you can use js to create these on the fly, with the
name "myvalue[]".
If you're still having problems, can you post more of what you're trying
to do?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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