Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 09/12/07 00:46
Jim Carlock wrote:
> phpinfo() has a "com_dotnet" section.
> It's kind of odd.
> Here it says...
> COM Support: enabled
> DCOM Support: disabled
> .net Support: enabled
> What exactly is COM support?
> What exactly is DCOM support?
> And what exactly is .net support? And why would it say
> enabled when .NET is not installed?
Those are all Microsoft thingies.
COM is the Component Object Model - a version of the Windows Foundation
DCOM is distributed COM - a patchwork add-on of Win95 that was added
because when 95 came out, MS had not considered certain internet
..NET is MS's latest attempt to build an all-in-one,
everything-to-everybody architecture.
> And DCOM... that one seems like it might be a COM file put
> into a publicly accessible folder, but I'll need some more
> help here, if such is available, because something is not
> sitting too well here.
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