Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/12/07 03:06
Steve wrote:
> "Sanders Kaufman" <bucky@kaufman.net> wrote in message
> news:MNHFi.2377$Sd4.1809@nlpi061.nbdc.sbc.com...
>> Jim Carlock wrote:
>>> And I'm wondering why PHP says .net support = enabled where
>>> ..net is NOT installed. I'm baffled by this one. It appears PHP
>>> looks for one specific file and it exists, PHP declares .net
>>> enabled, but .net is actually at least a 50MB package of files
>>> which fill a few folders.
>> I seem to recall something from the docs in which the PHP folks strangely
>> note that this is just a place-holder for something they hope to have PHP
>> doing in the future.
> again, your recall is weak and with a little investigation on your part, you
> could keep yourself from embarasment. the documentation simply states that:
> ======
> This extension is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this extension -- including
> the names of its functions and anything else documented about this
> extension -- may change without notice in a future release of PHP. Use this
> extension at your own risk.
> ======
> now, does that sound *ANYTHING* like what you just dribbled from your
> keyboard?
>> It's kinda like building a car with a sticker where the gas gauge should
>> be.
> more like an example of the twainian proverb:
> It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool
> than to open it and remove all doubt.
> which is what the bulk of your posts consist of...opening your yap and
> removing all doubt.
You should take your own advice, Steve. Sanders is more right about it
than you are.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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