Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/12/07 12:14
Gremnebulin wrote:
> On 11 Sep, 12:34, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>>>> macca wrote:
>>>>> Why would a book on PHP-MYSQL have examples in c++ ???
>>>> Because PHP is written in C++ and is extensible through C++.
>>> So? Linux is written in C. Does that mean a C book will help me
>>> understand how to admin Linux better?
>> What a foolish question!
> It would help you understand problems with, for instance, building a
> kernel.
That wasn't the question though, was it? Nothing was ever said about
building a kernel.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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