Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/13/07 17:19
Daniel Loose wrote:
> hello,
> try to install php 5.2 on apache 1.3 on winxp. apache is fine. php
> says on start "unable to load dynamic library '<path>' " -- but <path>
> *does* exist!
> extension_dir ="C:\Programme\PHP\ext"
> and <path> is e.g. 'C:\Programme\PHP\ext\php_exif.dll'. which *does*
> exist. this appears with about 20 files. reboot, reinstall, nothing
> helped.
> php.ini only exists once, in c:/windows. in httpd.conf i have the line
> LoadModule php5_module "C:/Programme/PHP/php5apache.dll"
> PATH also includes the path to php. so i really dont know whats going
> on here...
> thank you very much!!
I always use forward slashes in my directories,i.e.
Also, note that the directory ends with a '/'.
Also, in the particular case of php_exif.dll, php_mbstring.dll must be
loaded first (in the list before php_exif.dll).
You didn't list any other modules, so not sure that that problem would be.
If nothing else, comment out all extensions and try it. Then try
loading them one at a time.
BTW - why are you still on Apache 1.3?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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