Reply to Re: OT - Oh, so OT.

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/14/07 12:03

Sanders Kaufman wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> And if we didn't go after them in Afghanistan, Iraq and other areas,
>> you can be assured they would be here. Or maybe you want to see IED's
>> along the roads. Maybe you'd like to see suicide bombers in Times
>> Square. Maybe you'd like to see our bridges and buildings blown up and
>> our civilians killed.
> We didn't go after them in Iraq.
> We lured them into Iraq.

ROFLMAO! Listing to "Billary" again? And actually eating that shit?
Saddam was one of the worst terrorists in the world. He killed many
more people than bin Laden did.

Your head is further up your ass than I thought.

> The Iraqis did not deserve that.
> If we were to *go after* them, we would be invading Pakistan.

At least Pakistan is working WITH us in the war on terror.

> Where you go wrong here is in taking the Abramoff Republicans' word of
> honor about what they're up to. They are not honorable people.

Where you are going wrong is you're listening to those who are
supporting the terrorists for their own political purposes.

They depend in the naivety (or stupidity - take your pick) of people
like you to stay in power.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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